Where STEM meets sustainability, movement and health.

Students deserve an education relevant to the future they will inhabit. Climate Cycle supports this by providing equipment and education to schools that bring personal and planetary sustainability to life. By exercising both body and mind, an experiential approach to learning is fostered that helps students better understand energy, climate, and what they can do to better the health of their earth and themselves.     

ReGeneration Stations

What is a ReGeneration Sation? It’s a first of a kind pedal powered classroom consisting of bicycle generators powered by students that charge “Energy Banks” and run classroom appliances. Students get the chance to generate their own classroom’s electricity and understand exactly what it takes to bring clean energy to the world - all as part of the existing math and science curriculum. 

Climate Cycle’s Legacy

Climate Cycle began as an annual fundraising  bike-a-thon in downtown Chicago to raise money for solar panel installations in schools. These bike-athons went on to raise $750,000, helping fund 12 solar panel installations in Chicago Public schools. The events and fundraising sources were a melding of disparate communities, ranging from schools and community stakeholders to corporations.

Why Educate and Inspire ReGeneration?

More than anyone else alive today, this generation must bear the brunt of climate change. Climate Cycle equips students and schools with tools to help understand and address this challenge, while getting kids moving.  We seek to help both people and planet regenerate. 

ABOVE: NASA Timelapse animation of global temperature changes since 1880.

“I urge you all to participate in and support Climate Cycle.”

- Former US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
